What is the Summit?
The Interprofessional Education through a One Health Lens is a national gathering of educators, clinicians, researchers, students, and other professionals to explore the overlap of One Health and Interprofessional Education, and imagine a future where IPE and One Health grow synergistically.
The goal of this symposium is to explore and coordinate the work being done across a variety of medical education settings. Didactic, experiential, and professional aspects of MD and DVM training will be examined for gaps and opportunities for infusion of IPE and One Health. We hope to improve the One Health proficiency of medical professionals. We will also examine how to incorporate other programs (RN, DO, DDS, CVT, Pharmacy).
This symposium is the output from a grant from the Clinical and Translational Science Award One Health Alliance (COHA). It represents a partnership among COHA institutions, including Colorado State University, University of Colorado – Anschutz, University of Florida, University of Minnesota, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Wisconsin.
The full program will be available mid-August. An abbreviated version is available below:
October 3
- Welcome reception
October 4
- Welcome remarks
- Keynote address
- Expert panels
- Case studies
- Breakout rooms
- Dinner and special keynote lecture
October 5
- OH-SMART process guided by the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences

The IPE Symposium will be an in-person event with a livestream option. Registration is now open and is FREE to all attendees, both in-person and livestream.
Livestream the Summit
The livestream audience will be able to participate in the following sessions: