Evaluating new treatment for chronic kidney diseaseDr. Jessica Quimby

Veterinarians at CSU researched the use of adult stem cells to help limit and potentially reverse damage in cats with chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) in cats and humans is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis of the kidneys as the final disease pathway. Stem cells have shown promise in rodent CKD models in […]

Chronic Kidney DiseaseDr. Jessica Quimby

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is reported in 1-3% of cats with an estimated one-third of cats developing CKD in their lifetime. In the US, 15% of adults, 37 million people, have CKD. In both cases, the disease prevalence increases with age: an estimated 38% of people over 65 years old and approximately 30% to 80% […]